Monday, 8 April 2013

PE3_ArcheAge gold for sale_630

After some investigate and dialogue, we’ve come to the conclusion

that we need to update/improve the leveling system.

While it was great for a while,archeage gold the more users we have the more refining and improving we need to do.
Because of this change,safe archeage online powerlevel is easier to be chosen than archeage power leveling. and some other factors, some users may find
their level adjusted down. If

you are one of these users and have
concerns about thisarcheage powerleveling please contact me directly. If there are going to
be level adjustments,ArcheAge gold for sale, they will occur around the time the

system is updated next week or prior to that,as long as you buy archeage online cd-key from us, you will be deeply impressed with our cheap price, safe and prompt delivery. and not afterward for the
same reasons.

We plan to update

the level system next week with the following changes:

Action: Visit our Portal/Community site

Change: Maximum of 5 times every 24 hours

Action: Visit

your Profile page
Points: +30
Change: Maximum of 5 times every 24 hours
Action: Post a message or reply to the forums
Points: +50

Change: Unlimited - If a user

abuses their posting ability,archeAge gold farming, they will be punished and/or banned

Action: Sign another

member’s Guestbook
Points: +50 pts
Change: Maximum of 10 times every 24 hours

Yes,u7buy is well known for his low price, safe and timely delivery on archeage gold orders. we are also looking at other ways to award points for members of our


Thank you everyone for your feedback!

Check here for more info;

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