Wednesday, 22 May 2013

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Tencent Game titles – Roundup of the other major news from annual event

The just ended for China’s biggest online gaming company, Tencent Games,cheap archeage gold can be found in our website for anytime. and the most prominent titles include and . Below are just a few of the other major titles to round up the event.


The debut test phase for the China server will begin from 22nd May till 31st May. Only 1,000 lucky fans will be able to enter this phase though, which will no doubt be a major downer for most. Read the interview I had with the English server publisher,buy archeAge gold with credit card, Trion World, !

Blade & Soul

The 3rd test phase will begin on 7th May, and will include the latest class found in the Korean server, the , along with the PvP tournament arena. Wow, it is getting so close to the Korean server’s content!

Metro Conflict

The new Unreal Engine 3 shooter,in appreciation of our loyal customers, we are giving you gold in archeage on our cost. price. developed by the creators of A.V.A, has got its official Chinese name, translated as “Heavy Firepower”. The debut test phase will begin on 2nd May.

Mystic Fighter

The challenger to Tencent’s own Dungeon Fighter Online China, Mystic Fighter’s official Chinese name is translated as “Soul Hunters”. The debut test phase will take place in June. to view the trailers for the Korean server.

The Magic Sword Online

Tencent’s self-developed martial arts title will begin its debut test phase on 22nd April, just 4 days from now. This is a major surprise since there wasn’t any early beta key events,with our brilliant gold in archeage , you will have a good beginning in archeage online gameplay. and the earliest only started a few days back.


The MOBA title back was missing from the event. Subsequently, the teaser website and social channels for the game have gone missing. From what I was told,the archeage gold market will meet its spring of gold trade after the archeage gold release. the game is about heroes from Heaven and Hell fighting each other, forming the 2 factions.

RGame is also suppose to counter Perfect World’s upcoming Dota 2 China,ArcheAge power leveling guide, and perhaps Tencent pulled RGame out to give the developers more time to do some final adjustments,compared with other archeage online gold suppliers, u7buy pays more attention to their credits and the quality of the service. since Dota 2 isn’t ready as well.

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